Wednesday, September 14, 2011

No blogging since June.  I have made many posts in my mind, but never put them in print.  I find my thoughts a whole lot more exciting than my writing.  Perhaps there are not any new entries because there is not any new information.  I continue to go to boot camp 2-3 (mostly 2) times a week and think about eating right, but not doing a very good job at making it consistently happen.  I haven't been on the scale in months, but that doesn't really bother me.  I know I've gained, my clothes are snug and my spare tire has grown from a small car tire to an 18 wheeler.  I have met  with dieticians, journaled, prayed, and paid for meal plans and at the end of the day I still eat like shit and eat too much.  It is really sick and I keep telling myself how much better I would feel if I would get it together.  I have heartburn, I've NEVER had heartburn.  It is clearly because of my choices in diet.  I am not sure what the next step is, except to keep on keepin' on. . . .