Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The journey continues. . . slowly

I'm quite certain that all of you (Nicki) have been on the edge of your seat waiting for another update on my WFMH journey.  Well, let's see. . . last night was our first weekly group meeting.  There were parts that were good and parts that were a bit too metaphorical for me.  In the end though, it again confirmed that I can,and WILL do this.  I want to be healthy and fit. . . that is my new mantra! 

I struggle still though.  Exercise hasn't happened yet.  I start boot camp tomorrow and I CAN'T WAIT. . . serious.  I have committed to 3 sessions a week and hopefully will do more at home on the non boot camp days.  I received an email from my trainer today and she implied that by the end I could be jogging.  FREAKING JOGGING, and she didn't  mention the risk of neck injury from jiggling parts.  I have always thought that runners looked so healthy and fit (mantra again), and graceful.  Now, graceful and me are not synonyms by any length of the imagination.  But, just the thought of saying I "went for a run" and mean it gives me butterflies.  Maybe my mantra really should be "healthy and fit- HOLY SHIT", because I cannot tell you the last time I would have used either of those words in describing myself.

We went to the grocery store tonight.  I ran into the winner from the first session of WFMH.  She is so sweet, and didn't seem to mind me stalking  her and asking 10,000 questions regarding what she did to be so successful. Let's just say we chatted for a LONG while. . .her daughters and mine are now on a first name basis!   I came home with water, Greek Yogurt (LOVE it), and many other healthy options.  Brady and the kids weren't quite as excited with the purchases, but they too will grow to love Greek Yogurt and Kashi cereal. NOT.   My biggest struggle is what to make for supper.  I'm fairly certain that the Schwan's catalog does not contain a lot of options that would make my trainers proud. (Sorry Schwan's Bob)

So, tomorrow the exercise is added.  Game on, rock on, whatever.  I will NOT be posting pictures of boot camp, that is wrong on so many levels.  I would ask for your prayers however. This body has not even thought about that much activity in one hour, let alone participated in it for decades.  I am also hoping to be able to walk on Thursday without someone thinking I have a debilitating condition.  Although, technically, obesity could be debilitating, right?  :)

Thanks for your continued support.  Remember, I WILL be healthy and fit.

Until later. . . . . .

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