Friday, September 24, 2010


Food.  Food is good, food is bad, food is something I dearly love.  Food is part of the reason I am in the predicament that I am in.  I love to cook, I love to bake, I love to eat.  Food has been on my mind a lot this week.  I have been STARVING from the time I wake up until the moment I go to bed.  I am so hungry for a seafood burrito from my favorite Mexican joint, I don't know what to do.  However, I still have not written down a single thing that I ate this week.  I DETEST keeping a food journal. . .not because of what I eat, but because I do not want to take the time to write down what I ate, along with all of the nutritional information.  This is probably going to be the one part of WFMH that I struggle with.  The entire goal of this challenge is to develop healthy habits that are life long. . . keeping a food journal is NOT something I have any desire to make life long.  I'm certain that my low numbers on the scale is directly proportional to my documenting my food in my head.  I seem to forget all of the BLT's I consume.  (BLT= bite, lick, and taste)  I know if I did journal on paper, the dietitian could probably be of some help. . . .
My trainer Heidi was talking to me about it tonight and I told her my frustration with low loss numbers as well as feeling like I am working my ass off and not having it reflected on the scale.  She encouraged me to journal, and asked me if it could be possible that I am not eating enough.  I about passed out.  When was the last time someone asked me if I wasn't eating ENOUGH?  That has NEVER been a problem for me.  N-E-V-E-R.  I never forget to eat, rarely am not thinking about food (did I mention the seafood burrito I am craving), or not contemplating what we are going to eat for our next meal.  The thought of not eating enough is about as crazy as the fact that this conversation with Heidi and I took place while we were JOGGING to the bridge.  Yes friends, I jogged to the bridge again.  I love it when Heidi pushes me to do that.  It makes me feel like I am not doing the bare minimum to get by.  I want to push myself to the absolute maximum. 

Monday night we get our first measurements taken since we have started.  I am already anxious (go figure) and trying to mentally prepare myself for the possibility that I will be eliminated.  This will not alter my ability to continue, just removes the possibility of me being in the top three.  Even though I said I wasn't in it for the money, getting eliminated the first week does suck.  It's like being picked last for the teams because no one really wants you, but there isn't anyone else to choose from. 

So, I am going to exercise  Saturday and Sunday, make good food choices, and hand the rest over to God.  I highly doubt I will be journaling either. . .I'm just sayin'.  So, keep on keepin' on, and dreaming of the burrito. . . .

Until next time . . .

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