Sunday, September 19, 2010

Motivation and Inspiration

Thank you to those of you that read this. . . I didn't actually think anyone besides my mom was reading. . .and she has to, she's my mom.  However, I have learned that there are a few more people tuning in.  I'm humbled, and also motivated by your encouraging words and support.  I'm also motivated by the accountability I feel to stick with this b/c of the "public" approach I have taken.  The last thing I want to do is to type an entry titled "failure, quitter, loser"; OK, maybe "loser" wouldn't be so bad, if it was in reference to the scale, and NOT my quitting. Speaking of the scale, I think we get weighed tomorrow night, and next Monday (27th) we get measured.  I am already having anxiety about not only weighing tomorrow night, but also getting measured.  What will I do if I gain, or don't lose inches?  I do NOT want to be the first eliminated.  I shouldn't be in the first elimination group. . . I have enough to lose that I should be able to show enough progress.  I did walk Saturday and today, but no "boot camp" type activity, and that is bad.  Bad because when I do go to boot camp this week, it will again kick my a$$, and, boot camp is what burns some serious calories. I seriously could make myself certifiably crazy if I thought about this all of the time, so I try to not dwell on what I am eating and doing for exercise.  I hope that this exercise is starting to become habit because on the days I don't do something, I feel bad (physically and mentally)!    I just want to start seeing and feeling some progress.  I still have the water buffalo hump on the top of my back, and I still have multiple chins. . . I took a picture of Brady and I at the Trace and Toby concert Friday night (btw, AWESOME, AWESOME concert), but deleted it immediately b/c it just made me ill to see my thick neck and chins.  I was watching football on Saturday and when they showed  the small pictures of the starting offense and defence, I seriously thought my neck was thicker than some of those boys.  UGH.  :)

Inspiration.  I am inspired by my WFMH team.  Inspired that they are working as hard, if not harder, than  I am and keep coming back for more.  They want health and fitness, just as bad as I do.  I am inspired by my cousin, Meg, who joined a boot camp and aerobics class this week.  She has some of the same struggles that I do, and while we have commiserated for a very long time about it, this is now our new topic of frequent conversation.  Game on, Meg.  WE can and will do this. 

So, until I have the courage to confess what happens on the scale tomorrow night, I will keep on keepin' on. . . until next time.

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