Saturday, September 11, 2010


Woo Hoo, the Huskers won.  Boo Hoo, this Husker fan kind of lost.  Lost control with my food choices.  Where do I start?  The Runza at the game, the 1/2 a box of popcorn, the piece of pizza for dinner (YES, I FINALLY got pizza) or the chips and cheese with my BFF neighbor?  Definitely a personal foul worthy of a 15 yard penalty, let's just hope it isn't 15 pounds.  As I was stuffing the final chip into my mouth, I had flashbacks to my success at the bridge and knew I had to stop.  NOW.    I tried to justify my setback by going for a 2.7 mile walk.  (How do I know it was 2.7 miles?  I drove the route, hoping for a 5-10 number to show up on my odometer. ) 

I'm not going to dwell on it.  I can't deny that every stinking bite was DE-LIC-IOUS.  However, I must admit that I do feel miserable.  It could be the massive amount of water I have drank this evening,  in an attempt to flush out the weeks supply of sodium I consumed in a few short hours.

Tomorrow is a new day.  Sunday.  I will go to church and  have a deep conversation with the big trainer in heaven, ask for forgiveness and for the strength to keep on keepin' on.  I have also promised K that we can go for a "family" bike ride tomorrow.  I am a bit nervous.  I haven't ridden my bike in a LONG time, and am a bit fearful that I won't be able to balance and ride.  We do have some unused training wheels in the garage, but I don't think they were made for my bike.  I also have made it clear that we will be riding on a very flat, flat surface.  No biking around the neighborhood for this mama.  Too many hills, and I refuse to have to walk my fat self and my bike within the visual range of my neighbors.  I'm also slightly concerned that it will appear as if my butt has eaten the seat of my bike due to the significant "muffin top" of the butt while on a bike.  Sorry, too much information.

Thanks again for reading, mom.  :)  Until next time. . . . .

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