Monday, September 20, 2010

One, Two, Three

Well, at least the moment of truth is over for this week.  I was again having immense anxiety prior to getting on the scale.  I made the mistake of letting myself get on the scale at home and so I think know that exacerbated the anxiety.  I am not certain of what I thought would be an acceptable weight loss, but I am certain that I wanted A LOSS.  I can honestly say that I did not eat poorly last week and I exercised every darn day, except Friday.  Although, I did dance SO much at the concert, so that should count for something.  I was hoping for big numbers.  However, I did not write down any of my food and that is a definite bad thing.  That is my goal for the new week. . . journal, journal, journal.  I am also thinking about having some metabolic testing done with the dietitian to get an accurate feel for what my bodies metabolism is (or isn't) in relationship to the calories I need to lose weight.  I had a long conversation with a dietitian at a different Hy-Vee over the weekend and she was very helpful and offered some great suggestions.  I have also promised myself that I will not get caught up in the competition, but rather focus on lifestyle changes that will continue long beyond WFMH.  However, tonight at the meeting/weigh in, I heard other competitors talking about their work outs, diet, and weight loss and IMMEDIATELY started strategizing on what I could do to kick it up a notch. . . or two.  I am committed to boot camp twice weekly AND exercising at home on non boot camp days. 

So, what was the grand total for today?  Keep in mind that this was for TWO weeks. . and the number was. . .. exactly 3 damn pounds.  3 FREAKING pounds.  Pathetic for two weeks, especially two weeks of not eating much and exercising a hell of a lot more than my body is used to.  However, I am much more happy with 3 off rather than 3 on!  My grand total is just under 10 pounds, and I WILL hit ten pounds by next week.  We also get measured and the first group is eliminated, although they are not using the term eliminated, "too negative", but rather "those moving on".  It doesn't matter though, no matter how much anxiety I have, it still is what it is and I will stick with it no matter what happens on the scale or with the tape measure. 

Thanks for reading.  If you are a spiritual person, I would appreciate you throwing up a few prayers for me to stay strong, stay focused, and become more positive in my journey to health and fitness.  Keep on keepin' on.  . . until next time.

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